I, myself, will be sitting somewhere in the South Pacific on a yacht watching intently through my binoculars with baited breath, but I digress.
I finally checked back with this dusty blog and was surprised to see some comments on the good Doctor Jones piece as well as a few requests for color.
I thought, "well, it's not anywhere NEAR to being done but why not oblige and show the process, "warts and all".
This is a color sketch and nothing more. The background color is a tonal placeholder so the other colors have something to play off of, albeit temporarily.
It's only a portion of the bigger piece but here it is in lieu of a finished illustration!
Back at work after a long, "at home" vacation so now I will be able to work back in on this Indy piece and finish it before the next film comes out,....which should rightly be titled Indiana Jones 5,...the apology. ;)
Happy 2010 everybody! More drawings to do!
And without further adieu,...
Step two!

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